How much do braces cost?

This is one of the most common questions that is asked at Hablinski & Chen Orthodontics and, unfortunately, it does not have a simple answer. Just as every patient we see is unique, so is their treatment plan. Some patients have very simple problems which require less appliances and time, while other cases are much Read More

Why Damon® Smile braces?

A lot of our patients, (especially you parents!) come to Hablinski & Chen Orthodontics convinced that traditional braces are the only answer to straight teeth. We are proud to offer Damon Smile in our Houston, TX office, which can give you better results in less time than traditional orthodontic treatment! Damon Smile braces also allow Read More

The Invisalign® Treatment Process

Invisalign is gaining traction as a sought-after solution for orthodontic problems. Unlike traditional braces, which require the placement of brackets on teeth and the connection of unsightly wires, Invisalign works nearly invisibly (as its name suggests). Particularly for those who do not wish to draw attention to their orthodontic work, Invisalign provides an attractive solution. Read More

Thanksgiving in North America

Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving thanks, and while this may seem like such a natural celebration, the United States is only one of a handful of countries to officially celebrate Read More

Halloween Fun with Braces

Halloween is a favorite holiday among children due to the festive games, imaginative costumes, and candy. Modern celebrations stem from a combination of traditions from Pagan and Christian traditions throughout the centuries. The original holiday was called Samhain and derived from the ancient Druids of Ireland. In their belief system, November 1st marked the beginning Read More