
Dentist Vs Orthodontist, What’s The Difference?

Many people don’t know the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist. This confusion is common because both doctors work on teeth. However, it is important to understand the difference between them. When you have a problem with your teeth, jaws, or gums, it is important that you are seeing the right professional for your needs. Learn more from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

There are some similarities between the two doctors. Both dentists and orthodontists are involved in the care of teeth and solving dental problems. Additionally, both of them are dental school graduates. However, there are some differences between the two.

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How X-rays And Orthodontic Visits Can Help Detect Problems Beneath The Surface Of Your Mouth

Two-thirds of what goes on in your mouth is below the surface. Most people are just concerned about having straight teeth and pearly whites, however, oral health goes far beyond that. That is why orthodontists use x-rays. Orthodontists use x-rays to check below the surface of the mouth to look for extra teeth, missing teeth, impacted teeth or teeth coming into the wrong positions. To learn more about the importance of x-rays keep reading from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

Looking below the surface is so important because some things may be hiding in your mouth that can only be seen through x-rays. Impacted teeth may prevent adult teeth from “erupting”, or growing into your mouth properly. An impacted tooth can even harm the roots of nearby teeth, cause crowding and other teeth to move into unhealthy positions.

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Common Orthodontic Problems Caused By Prolonged Thumb Sucking Or Pacifier Use

Many people wonder how pacifiers and thumb sucking can affect their child’s teeth. In short, it is a valid worry because if these actions are prolonged it can cause oral health issues. Thumb sucking or pacifier use is one of an infant’s natural reflexes, prolonged sucking can exert force on the teeth and jaws. To learn more about common orthodontic problems caused by prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier use, read on from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

If your child sucks a thumb, finger, pacifier, or lips, their teeth or jaw may growth may be affected. These bone changes can actually occur as early as 18 months. The most common issues include: protruding front teeth, an open bite, or a crossbite. If you continue to notice prolonged thumb sucking or pacifier use, it is time to consult an orthodontist.

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Does Having Straight Teeth Matter?

Straight teeth help to create a beautiful smile. However, straight teeth actually do so much more than provide a great smile. Teeth are made to fit together in a certain way. If they don’t fit together properly, they can’t function properly, which can lead to a variety of oral health problems. To learn more about the importance of straight teeth from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics, keep reading.

Straight teeth are easier to clean. It is easier to remove plaque when teeth are aligned. Additionally, crooked teeth provide more places for plaque to hide and get missed while brushing. Plaque buildup can result in cavities and gum inflammation.

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Items You Need to Safeguard Against Dental or Orthodontic Emergencies

Our teeth, and braces, can encounter a lot when we’re out living our lives. These activities are not limited to: sporting events, pizza crust, cake and ice cream at birthday parties, and maybe even a hot dog eating contest. Fortunately, our teeth are strong and often allow us to go through these activities without too many major problems. 

However, sometimes accidents happen. But you can prepare yourself to deal with these accidents if you have some tools on hand. Keep reading to learn more about what items you should have on hand in case of a dental or orthodontic emergency from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

There are a few ways to safeguard against dental emergencies. This includes: wearing a mouth guard during sports, taking good care of your teeth and gums, and staying away from food that is hard, crunchy, and/or sticky (especially when in braces).

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Are Electronic Cigarettes Bad For Your Teeth?

It is common knowledge that smoking tobacco is bad for our teeth and mouths. Smoking drastically increases your risk for several things, including oral cancer and gum disease. However, it is important to know these side effects do not go away with e-cigarettes. Read on to learn more about why vaping is bad for your teeth from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

Research shows that vaping is bad for your teeth just like smoking traditional cigarettes, even with no tobacco in e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes use an aerosol, or vapor, to deliver nicotine into the lungs. This vapor not only contains nicotine, which is bad for the teeth and body by itself, but also ultra-fine particles of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. Many of these chemicals are linked to cancer, respiratory disease, and heart disease. 

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Why You May Need Teeth Extracted Before Orthodontic Treatment

Getting braces isn’t as simple as just putting them on your teeth as they are. In fact, there are several steps one must go through prior to getting the actual appliances on your teeth. First, you will need a thorough tooth cleaning to make sure there is a clean, healthy surface. In some cases, more extensive preparation is necessary – like a tooth extraction. While tooth extraction may not be necessary for every patient, some patients will require this. Read on to learn more about tooth extractions from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

There are a number of instances in which an orthodontist may recommend tooth extraction prior to braces treatment. Some of the most common reasons for extraction include when a tooth is so damaged or unhealthy it cannot be rescued with root canal therapy, when teeth are too crowded, or when a severe overbite surgery is not an option.

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How Orthodontics Can Help Jaw Alignment

Braces are a great option for correcting several dental issues. These issues include overcrowding, misalignment, spacing, and overbites and underbites. A lot of people like braces because of the aesthetic change that they can make, however, braces can also fix non-aesthetic issues that are pertinent to the health of your teeth and jaw. Braces help to bring your teeth into proper intercuspation, which means that your teeth will align properly over one another. Read on to learn more about how orthodontics can help jaw alignment from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.

An overbite or underbite has an impact on how your jaw is positioned. The jaw extends outward because the teeth are misaligned when one has an underbite. When one has an overbite, the chin may look weak, and the lips may protrude from the face in a harsh, unflattering manner.

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