
Common Speech Problems Orthodontics Can Help

blog-featured-image-orthodontics-for-speech-problems Did you know that the alignment of your teeth can affect your speech? If you struggle to pronounce certain words, your teeth could be the reason why. Thankfully, orthodontics can help. Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics can provide orthodontic treatment to resolve common oral problems such as:

  1. Lisp or Whistling

Lisps or whistles are common in children and adults and are developed due to open bites. An open bite occurs when the tongue doesn’t make a true connection with the roof of the mouth. This typically happens when pronouncing words containing the letter “s” or “z.” Patients with an open bite often pronounce these words as if they have the letters “th” instead of an “s.”

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5 Reasons to Smile in the Year 2020

blog-featured-image-reasons-to-smile-in-new-year There are a lot of reasons you should be flashing those pearly whites more often – smiling is good for your health! According to Psychology Today, when you smile you activate neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. As we close out the year, it is important to find reasons to smile and be grateful for all the lessons we’ve learned and achievements accomplished. For those who can’t find a reason to smile, Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics have five:Read More

Should My Mouthguard Be Custom or Store Bought?

blog-featured-image-custom-store-bought-mouthguards Anyone participating in a sport should wear a mouthguard to protect their teeth. This is especially important for anyone undergoing orthodontic treatment. Braces and wires can damage the mouth if you receive a ball to the face.

Many people ask whether it is necessary to invest in a custom-fit mouthguard or will an over-the-counter one work just as well. To help you make the best decision for your situation, Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics have information about each mouthguard. Read More

6 Orthodontic Tips for a Sensitive Gag Reflex

blog-featured-image-gag-reflex-orthodontic-treatment Having a sensitive gag reflex is nothing to be embarrassed about. Additionally, it is not something that should deter you from seeking orthodontic treatment. Those with a sensitive gag reflex can get frustrated, but it is certainly something that can be worked with while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists, like Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics, are trained professionals that can help care for and achieve a beautiful smile. Below are some tips to help patients with a sensitive gag reflex.Read More

Surviving Date Night with Braces

blog-featured-image-date-night-with-braces Date night can be a nerve-wracking experience. From what to wear, where to go, what to talk about, the numerous variables of date night can wreak havoc on what should be a fun experience. You don’t want your braces to be another source of worry on this evening, and they don’t have to be!

With a few simple tips from Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics, you can flash your beautiful smile at your date as many times as you want without being worried about leftovers being hidden in your brackets.

At a Nice Restaurant – Stick to Soft Foods

While mood lighting can help hide a lot of things, it can’t get rid of food in your teeth. Stick to soft, tender foods so you can smile with confidence all night long. Pasta, mashed potatoes, soups, and other softer options are easy to eat and are less likely to have little bits that stick around in wires and brackets. Read More

Dr. Amir Davoody takes the lead at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics

Dear Patients,

After over 37 rewarding years in full-time practice, I will be moving to a part-time schedule at the end of the year. Dr. Amir Davoody will take the lead as primary orthodontist of Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics, seeing patients five days per week.

My plan is to spend more time with my family, including my six children and 10 grandchildren and refocus on faith and community. Serving others and giving back has always given me a great sense of joy and satisfaction, and I look forward to developing the ministries that I feel are most rewarding. I also plan to spend some time playing golf as well as traveling with my wife, Dorothy.

For those that have not yet spent time with Dr. Davoody, he is first and foremost an incredibly talented, compassionate, and patient-focused orthodontist. He also stays on the cutting edge, always looking at new technology to improve outcomes and the overall patient experience. Over the past three years of work together I have seen that his work ethic and philosophy align perfectly with mine, making for a strong and fulfilling partnership.

I am truly excited about this new chapter of my life, which will allow me to focus more time on endeavors close to my heart. Thank you so much for your continued trust and confidence, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Warm regards,

Dr. Mark Hablinski
Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics

4 Reasons to Choose Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics

blog-featured-image-traditional-orthodontics When it comes to improving your smile, at-home teeth straightening kits have become an increasingly popular option for patients looking to correct minor to moderate orthodontic problems. Even though teeth straightening kits are less expensive and time-consuming than services diagnosed and treated by an orthodontist such as Dr. Davoody or Dr. Hablinski of Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics, the kits can cause more harm than good to your smile and bite in the long run.

What are At-Home Teeth Straightening Kits?

At-home teeth straightening kits are typically purchased online or at a physical location where a “Smile Specialist” explains the process and takes digital impressions of your teeth. You are later presented with clear aligners to begin treatment. The kits purchased online include a dental impression kit that you send back to have scanned and your aligners created. In some cases, you may even receive a preview of what your new smile could look like.Read More

Elastics for Braces, Explained.

blog-featured-image-elastics-for-braces Whether you’ve had orthodontic treatment or not, you’ve seen people wearing elastics or rubber bands as part of the process. But do you know what they’re used for? To help give you a better idea of why rubber bands are used with metal or clear braces, we’ll explain what they are, why they’re used, and how to take care of them during treatment.

What are Rubber Bands?

In short, rubber bands are used to help move your teeth along the archwire to aid in tooth movement for your particular treatment plan. There are many different ways to wear rubber bands and how long you wear them is determined by your orthodontist. Dr. Davoody and Dr. Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics will instruct you on exactly how to wear your rubber bands and when and how often to change them based on your personalized treatment plan. Since your rubber bands lose their elasticity with use, patients are normally instructed to replace them at least once a day, especially after eating and brushing.Read More