Orthodontic consultations are often times a complimentary introduction for orthodontists, like Dr. Davoody and Dr. Hablinski, to get to know you and your oral health concerns. The best thing you can do to make the most of your consultation is to prepare a list of questions beforehand. To help you get started, we’ve come up with a list of common questions answered during our complimentary smile exams.
How Long Will My Treatment Take?
It is important to first note that orthodontic treatment is not a “one size fits all” approach to straightening teeth. At Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics, we develop orthodontic treatment plans based on the individual needs of each patient to ensure they get the best results. Be sure to ask the orthodontist for an estimate of how long your treatment will take as the length may vary depending on how complex your situation is. Read More