
Essential Oral Hygiene Tips

Oral hygiene – it’s more than just a routine. It’s the key to a radiant smile, a healthy mouth, and a confident you. So, what is oral hygiene? Well, in a nutshell, it’s the art of taking care of your mouth and teeth. Every dentist and orthodontist, including Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics, recommends paying close attention to your oral health. After all, a healthy mouth is a gateway to overall well-being, and it’s a journey that knows no age limits.

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The Hidden Magic of Smiling

Greetings, lovely readers! Today, we’re about to dive deep into the enchanting world of smiles, where a single grin can unlock countless secrets and bring about a wave of positive change. You see, when you flash a radiant smile, you’re not just sending a warm message to the world; you’re also whispering to your own subconscious that happiness and confidence are your closest companions. Did you know that the power of your smile can even make you happier? It’s not just a belief; it’s science-backed. So, let’s explore the captivating realm of smiles and discover why they are truly contagious.

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How Your Orthodontist Can Improve Your Respiratory Health

Orthodontics is often thought of as a way to improve the alignment and appearance of your teeth, but did you know that it can also benefit your respiratory health? Your orthodontist is specially trained to identify and treat a range of issues beyond just your teeth, including respiratory disorders like asthma and sleep apnea. In this post, Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics provides valuable insights on how orthodontics fits into the treatment of respiratory disorders.

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Cute Ideas to make the Tooth Fairy Amazing

Losing teeth is an exciting time in any young child’s life. Not only does this mean they are growing up, but it also means they are due for a visit from the Tooth Fairy! There are so many creative things that go beyond just putting money under a pillow that can create wonderful memories that will last your child a lifetime. Keep reading for some ways to make your child’s visit from the Tooth Fairy a lot more exciting from Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics.Read More

The Role of Compliance in Invisalign Treatment

If you’re considering Invisalign treatment, you may be wondering how often you need to wear your aligners to see results. The truth is that patient compliance is one of the most critical factors in achieving the desired outcome of Invisalign treatment. Discover the significance of compliance during orthodontic treatment as you read on, with insights from Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics.


Wearing Your Aligners

To be effective, Invisalign aligners need to be worn as often as possible, typically for 20 to 22 hours a day. You can remove them when eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth, but the more you wear them, the faster and more successful your treatment will be. If you don’t wear your aligners consistently, your teeth may not move as intended, and treatment time may be prolonged.

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How Pregnancy Affects Your Oral Health

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many women as they prepare to welcome a new addition to their family. However, it’s essential to remember that pregnancy can also affect your oral health, leading to issues such as gum disease and tooth decay. To gain a deeper understanding of how pregnancy impacts your oral health, continue reading and discover valuable insights from Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics.

How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Gums?

Gum disease, or gingivitis, is not necessarily caused by pregnancy. Still, it can worsen pre existing gum disease. Pregnancy hormones can cause changes in the chemical composition of your body, leading to changes in vitamin and mineral levels, and altering the soft tissue around the gums. As a result, symptoms of gingivitis can increase in severity throughout pregnancy, reaching a peak during the third trimester. While most symptoms should recede a few months after birth, severe gum disease, or periodontitis, can increase in severity with pregnancy. Periodontitis in women is linked to premature birth and low-weight birth, with studies showing that roughly 18% of premature births can be associated with periodontal disease.

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Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist to Prepare for Braces

If you or your child is considering orthodontic treatment, it’s important to ask questions. We know that this can be an overwhelming process. You want to know what to expect, how much it will cost, and how long it will take. The best way to get this information is by speaking with your orthodontist directly. Below are some of the most popular questions we hear from our patients’ parents, with insights from Dr. Amir Davoody at Davoody & Hablinski Orthodontics.

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