Wrapping up your orthodontic treatment is an exciting time! Your hard work is rewarded with a beautiful smile. However, the work doesn’t end here. It is crucial that you continue to take great care of your teeth in order to maintain your new smile. This includes wearing your retainer, which allows your smile to last a lifetime. Keep reading for some advice on retainers from Dr. Amir Davoody and Dr. Mark Hablinski at Davoody and Hablinski Orthodontics.
Retainers hold your teeth in their new positions while bone tissue rebuilds around them, stabilizing them. This process takes time, and it is important that you continue to wear your retainer after this process has been completed. Your bite can change over time as bone continues to break down and rebuild. Wearing your retainer will help preserve your smile throughout this process.
Additionally, your orthodontist may have given you a removable or permanent retainer. Removable retainers can be put in and taken out. Permanent retainers are placed and removed by your orthodontist. Each is a custom-fitted wire that is bonded to the tongue-side of your teeth. Your orthodontist will pick the retainer that works best for your teeth.