Timing is Everything
Eat your Halloween candy with meals or shortly after mealtime. Saliva production increases during meals which helps cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and rinse away food particles.
Make Good Choices
Avoid hard candy and other sweets that stay in your mouth for a long time. The length of time sugary food is in your mouth plays a role in tooth decay.
Limit Your Sweets
Snacking on sweets can increase your risk of cavities. Limit consumption to once or twice a day to keep cavities at bay.
Don’t Get Caught in a “Sticky Situation”
Sticky candies cling to your teeth and take longer to get washed away by saliva. The longer these foods stay on your teeth, the greater your risk for tooth decay. Be sure to brush your teeth immediately following consumption.
Spread the Love
Don’t keep tons of Halloween candy around to tempt you. Instead, pick out a small amount you would like to eat and then donate the rest. Halloween doesn’t have to derail your oral health. If you follow these simple tips, Halloween is sure to be a delicious and fun experience for everyone!